Client Details
Client Name (Person Responsible for payment) *
Client Name (Spouse or Partner to be photographed)
Address *
Phone *
Session Details
Due Date or Baby's Birthdate(if applicable)
How did you hear about Ashley Hill Photography? *
I am so excited to capture these first moments of your little one that I know you will treasure forever. For a successful newborn session it is CRUCIAL that you keep your newborn up for 2 hours before your session. This can be done with stimulation such as a long bath or playing with them (tickling toes, etc.) to keep them stimulated. * Also please plan to feed once you arrive to the studio to help promote a "milk coma".
A $200 non-refundable retainer is due for all sessions. In the event of cancellation, the retainer paid is nonrefundable. In the event of a Cold related cancellation, deposit will be used as a credit for a future session. Please make your payment selection below. *
Type of session *
Copyright is protected by the Federal Copyright Law. It is unlawful to copy or scan any images without permission of the photographer. Even though the pictures may be of you or your child or you, the photographer still owns the copyright to the image. In order to control the quality of the work produced, the photographer is the only one who can crop or modify any image produced at this photo session. This means that photos may NOT be altered in any way in any photo editing software. Color images many NOT be converted to black and white. Ashley Hill Photography retains the copyright and ownership of all images of the photo session and reserves the right to reproduce images for portfolio, studio display, gallery display, website, self-promotion, photo contests, etc. Clients are not allowed to reproduce any images produced by the photographer for any purpose without written consent. No other camera equipment other than the photographer’s is allowed at the photo session.
Nitty Gritty:
a. Digital files are released to client and may only be used ONLY for purchasing prints and for archiving. The Client is not allowed to sell, publish, or otherwise distribute without expressed consent of the Photographer.
b. The Photographer may use images from the Client’s session for self-promotion via websites, print publication, photo contests, etc.
c. Ashley Hill Photography is not responsible for print color, clarity or quality unless ordered directly through Ashley Hill Photography. Not all print labs are created equal and for this reason we highly recommend ordering digital products through us.
d. Ashley Hill Photography does not recommend getting anything printed through Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Walgreens, Shutterfly or any other big box store. Ashley Hill Photography only recommends getting prints through myself, or www.mpix.com. *
Photographic Images
The Photographer is not required to release every frame or image taken for the photography session. The Client understands that the Photographer edits for quality and variety and will provide the allotted number of images based on your newborn session type via direct download. Digital files will sent via a download link. After 6 months the gallery will be removed from the website. Images from the session will be archived for 6 months following your session. After that time they will be permanently removed. Ashley Hill Photography will not provide any unedited images for the client to view. *
The parties agree to cheerful cooperation and communication for the best possible results within the definition of this assignment. The Photographer is not responsible if key individuals fail to appear or cooperate during the photography session or for missed images due to details not revealed to the Photographer.
Limit of Liability
The Photographer takes the utmost care with respect to exposure, transportation, and processing the photographs. However, in the unlikely event those photographs have been lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons within or beyond the Photographer’s control, the Photographer liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the portrait session. *
Minor Child Model Release
I am the parent or guardian of the minor child/children named in this contract and I have the legal authority to execute this release on behalf of the child. In consideration of the child/children engagement as a model and for other valuable consideration received, I give Ashley Hill of Ashley Hill Photography and Photographer’s heirs, legal representatives, and assigns the irrevocable, perpetual, and unrestricted right to take and use photographs of the child named above taken by the Photographer in all forms, media and manners, in conjunction with the child’s or a fictitious name, for advertising, trade, promotion, exhibition, or any other lawful purposes. I waive any right to review or approve the Photographs, the use of the Photographs, or the matter that may be used in conjunction with the Photographs now and in the future, regardless of whether that use or matter is known to me. I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the Photographs.
Adult Model Release
This is the description of your section break.
The Client gives the Photographer permission to license the images and use the images in any media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing, and packaging for any product or service. The Client agrees that the images may be combined with other images, text, graphics, and cropped, altered or modified. The Client agrees that they have limited user rights to the images, and all rights to the images belong to the Photographer. The Client acknowledges and agrees that they have no further right to additional consideration or accounting, and that they will make no further claim for any reason to the Photographer. *